السبت، 2 أبريل 2016

Ironworker مقص متعدد

Hydraulic Ironworker مقص متعدد

مقص عمليات

قص زوايا
قص بارات 
متعدد الاستخدامات
الهند بلد المنشأ

We are one of the most trusted Industrial Ironworker Suppliers in Gujarat; we are famous for our best quality machines, their stout features and their fabulous and precise output. Our Hydraulic Ironworker is in great demands for its tensile strength, corrosion free nature and optimum results which it gives year after year without fail. Same is the case with our Mechanical Ironworker Machines which are known worldwide for their undoubted quality and best performance which is due to its finest parts and lubrication system which ensures smooth production.

  • A wide range of designs and tonnages
  • Custom tooling for specific applications
  • Dependable performance
  • Quality materials and construction
  • Competitive pricing

Engineering Excellence With Cost Effective Solution
  • Angle Cutting
  • Channel Cutting
  • Flat Cutting
  • Round Bar Cutting
  • Square Bar Cutting
  • Punching
  • Notching

Siddhapura Hydraulic Iron Worker is designed to give an effective solution to all the cutting and punching problems of flat and Section with satisfactory work quality from robust and compact machine.
  • Unique compact design by using ultrasonically tested steel plates.
  • Five work station catering '7' different operation.
  • Parallel operation of punching station with other work station gives higher productivity.
  • Direct shearing avoids any waste of materials.

أبو العلا للمعدات الصناعية
للتوريدات العمومية والتوكيلات التجارية والاستيراد
لبيع المعدات والمهمات الصناعية
ماكينات لحام – مخارط – بلازما – كلاركات
 - تنايات – درافيل – مقصات – مكابس
-       الإسكندرية – مدينة برج العرب بعد المزلقان
-       مدينة العاشر من رمضان – مول الحجاز
01224733621  - 01012098265
م / احمد سيف

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Ironworker مقص متعدد
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